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Penguinmerch – Superman tampa bay buccaneers champions super bowl liv American flag shirt

“When my mother died, I was able to grieve publicly, receive flowers, cards, and well-wishes from friends and colleagues, and take time off to handle her funeral and cope,” explains Kallen. “In contrast, when I lost my first pregnancy, a half day off during the Superman tampa bay buccaneers champions super bowl liv American flag shirt Additionally,I will love this most painful part of the miscarriage was all I could manage because I had a busy clinical schedule that week. My second miscarriage happened at work, and I walked right back to my office after the loss because time off at that point felt impossible. And this is speaking from a position of privilege as someone who has a steady, reliable job and was never in fear of losing it—many women don’t have that luxury.”

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In this respect, another essential part of the Superman tampa bay buccaneers champions super bowl liv American flag shirt Additionally,I will love this pregnancy-loss conversation is health equity, acknowledging the disparities affecting Black, Indigenous, and people of color individuals and their need for workplace protections. Providing paid leave after miscarriage, as well as other reproductive outcomes, is critical, emphasizes Nan Strauss, managing director of policy, advocacy, and grant making for nonprofit Every Mother Counts.  “Women of color, and Black women, in particular, are more likely to be the sole or primary providers for their families and are also disproportionately likely to be working in lower-wage jobs that do not currently provide paid leave time,” explains Strauss.